Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 6-May 10

Congratulations to Erica, our Student of the Week!  Our school walkathon is this Friday(fingers croossed for no rain).  Parents are invited to come walk with the students. Have the students dress accordingly (still in school uniform), bring a water bottle, and wear sunscreen!  Please have the students try to get pledges, and return the envelopes by Thursday!  The PTO have worked really hard and we have great prizes.  This is such a wonderful way to walk for textbooks for our school!  The person with  the highest donations will win a MP4 player!  If our class meets our goal of $500, we will win a banana split party, and Mrs. Roberts and I will dress up in a costume to cheer on our class during the walkathon! Our PTO needs volunteers for Teacher Appreciation Day May 15th.  Please check Canyon Grove's Facebook Page for information. We still would love Parent Volunteers to come and help in the classrooom. 
In Math this week, we are continuing Order of Operations. Many were sent home with homework today.  Please check their backpacks, and have them bring the finished work back in to be graded.    In Reading, we are doing Guided Reading.  Many students are almost finished, and are enjoying the books.  In Writing, we are starting Memoirs. The students get to choose what genre they will write in, Poetry, Persuasive Essay, ect., as long as it has a theme that's important to them. We are out of pens, as it's close to the end of the year.  If you have any pens at home our class can have, we'll take them off  your hands!  Thank you so much for all of the help we've had this year.  I would like to give a special thanks to Lauren's mom, and Matthew's mom, and Brandon's  mom, who have come consistently to our classroom to help! I know it has been a sacrifice for you, and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! :)